ASMR Fall Makeup Look FAIL (my bad) | whispered trigger words, hand movements, lid sounds

Mahogany Whispers ASMR
Published 5 years ago

soooooo yeah filming and editing this video was chaotic, but I still have some great, relaxing triggers including whispering trigger words/phrases, lid sounds, tapping, lipgloss, brushing your face and mine, makeup application, hand movements and more! I hope you can all laugh with me about how panicked I seem lol! (Also hindsight is 20/20 and this looked better than I thought in the moment!)

Just a side note: sometimes things go wrong, and that's okay. I touch on my struggle with perfectionism in this video, but it was extremely difficult for me to accept that things didn't go all that well while filming this. I'm trying to stop getting so wrapped up in this idea that if I'm not the best or brightest, that I'm not worthy of being seen or that I don't have value. My worth (and yours) goes beyond any single makeup look, test score, or action. I'll leave you with this quote that I'm trying to live by: "Just do your best, and let the universe do the rest."

I love you all. Never stop growing ♡
-Mahogany XOXO
INSTAGRAM: mahoganywhispersASMR
1. How old are you?
I'm 19! (yes really)

2. How tall are you?
I'm around 5'7.

3. What do you use to film?
I just use my iPhone XS and a Blue Yeti mic (setting dependent on video).


asmr asmr fail fall makeup Funny hand movements lid sounds lipgloss makeup fail mascara relaxing tapping tingly trigger words whispered makeup look

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