This time we take seriously your asmr immunity to chills. My effective AGS technique and the sounds and whispers will help you with this. We getting over the asmr immunity for good!
Time Stamps ~
00:00 - Preview and title screen
00:07 - Hand movements and whispered intro
01:08 - Pink ceramic tubes
03:25 - Glass jar of red sparkly liquid
06:59 - Chalk on a mini chalkboard
07:11 - Adi breaks his chalk and makes the best face I have ever seen
09:51 - Pumice stone in plastic
13:18 - Sequin heart
16:49 - Spool of blue thread
19:38 - Pink plastic hairbrush
22:19 - Green (foam?) block
24:49 - Hand movements and outtro
#SensorAdi #ASMR #asmrimmunity
AGS AGS technique asmr asmr immunity getting over the asmr immunity sensoradi sensoradi ags