the title is for the algorithm lol it does have the vibe of facetime call w gloomy friend but i didn’t know what to call it. these are the kind of things i do on ft like talk in bed quietly, walk around showing stuff/rambling and doing my makeup so i think it could be comforting or relaxing. its actually so relaxing to me when ur on ft w someone and they adjust the camera against something or ruffle in bed or bring the phone closer to their face so maybe ill make a proper facetime video. thanks for watching 💗
song recommendation: i miss you by graham nash
i LOVEEE this song. my most listened to song ever is expecting to fly by buffalo springfield and after that period of listening to that song at least three times a day and all of the live versions under neil’s name on spotify (god i yearn for the loss of those versions…) i was really into neil young but he then removed all of his music off spotify so i haven’t listened to him in a really long time. i never properly dove into crosby, stills, nash & young but i should get to that someday. so recently i was having fun on spotify like it’s a game (my favorite thing to do on my phone) and i came across ‘i miss you’ and it really affected me. are you the kind of person who prioritizes sound over lyrics, or lyrics over sound? i will overlook a weak sound for strong lyrics, but this song does not have a weak sound. what i’m trying to get at is the importance of lyrics for me. this song talks about missing someone and the story telling paired w/ the intensity of the melody gets me so excited. my favorite part is when he says “i’m holding back and it’s not fair, i think i’m trying not to care” it just sounds so good and i feel like songs are speaking to me sometimes, whether it be sounding like a person i know (like oh that’s how they feel/that was said in their tone/the way they word things) or a higher power giving me a nod. (sometimes the higher power is taylor swift understanding me like no other)
i like this song because missing someone and being missed is something i’ve always thought of as a privilege. you had an experience good enough to be missed, you built a connection beautiful enough to still think about fondly. whenever someone says they miss me, i feel important and i feel REAL which is something i struggle with a lot. i really love the power of ‘i miss you.’
asmr asmr friend asmr friend facetimes you comforting facetime lofi relaxing soft spoken