Hey Owls,
Welcome to day 1 of 12 of my 12 days of Christmas ASMR. Thank you to all those who sent in suggestions on my community page. I hope you enjoy this first video with some holiday trigger words, mixed in some Spanish words too! Tune in tomorrow for my wrapping you video.
Comment below and let me know what you thought of these sounds and visual triggers..
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Canon 1DX Mark 2 with 24-105mm Lens
Zoom H6 Recorder
Pixel Ring Light
#christmas #asmr #asmrowl #asmrvideos #santa #poinsettia #holidays #triggerwords #whispering #whispers
12 days of christmas asmr asmr christmas ASMR OWL ASMR Trigger Words ASMR videos Christmas christmas asmr Christmas trigger words christmas videos Hair scratching holiday asmr holiday trigger words Holiday videos navidad asmr santa scratching sounds sleep soft spoken triggers spanglish asmr spanish trigger words trigger words TWLEVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS unpredictable asmr unpredictable triggers whispering asmr whispering videos WHISPERS AND RAMBLES