40 Triggers in 40 Minutes ASMR I 40k special 🎊

freckles asmr
Published 4 years ago

MY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/svenjapabst/

🦋 o p e n m e 🦋

Hii loves!🤎🤎🤎
Thank you SOOOO much for 40.000 subscribers in only a bit over a month - this is insane!!!
So this video is my 40k special, where I’m doing 40 triggers in 40 minutes :)
Unfortunately something went wrong with the recording, so the sound didn't turn out binaural - hope you can enjoy anyways😴
Also, sorry or the lack of content, I have exams and other projects at the moment so I’m super busy - but I will be posting more after this week is over!🥰

Love you all
& stay safe 💌

TIMESTAMPS (thanks to xypa xx)
00:00 introduction
2:16 wood tapping
2:41 tape on microphone
3:24 box with cubes
4:20 mic brushing
5:00 styrofoam
5:33 coffee beans
6:51 gloves
7:50 tapping and scratching on a box
8:07 tapping on sunglasses
8:32 sleeping mask
9:26 eating energy balls
10:35 cutting paper
11:09 tapping on boots
12:10 tapping on a mirror
12:30 sponges
13:02 glass tapping
13:53 christmas candy
15:02 tapping on camera bag and old polaroid camera
16:05 lotion
17:24 soap bubbles
18:42 tapping on eggs
19:18 rambling
20:14 mic scratching
21:14 mic scratching with cover
21:58 tapping on lip gloss + applying
22:25 hard candy necklaces + eating
23:38 tapping on cork
24:07 reading a poem from the book milk and honey
25:08 bubble wrap
25:43 candle
26:48 purple slime
29:03 tapping on iPad
29:34 tapping on print
30:04 tapping on shoe
30:55 silver necklace
31:35 hair clip
31:57 mouth sounds
32:58 finger flutters
33:14 bath salts
34:04 toothpicks
35:12 writing on paper
35:58 jewelry box
36:39 fluffy mic cover, mic scratching
38:00 outro + mic scratching

F I N D M E H E R E ( n o n a s m r )
✧ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svenjapabst/
✧ my music channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbSnxZtWKlzS7mYNadM6tg
✧ soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sagebabyy
✧ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/svenja.pabst?si=Ym7dUlTfR2GYVUan73CKmQ
✧ depop: https://www.depop.com/enjaa/

camera: iphone 11 (front camera)
mic: blue yeti blackout

asmr mouth sounds
asmr mic brushing
asmr lotion
asmr rambling and tapping


30 triggers in 30 minutes asmr 40k special asmr 40 triggers in 40 minutes asmr lotion asmr mic brushing asmr mouth sounds asmr rambling and tapping ASMR sleep finger flutters fluffy mic cover freckles asmr mic brushing mic scratching with cover mouth sounds random triggers asmr wood tapping

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