ASMR | Doing Your Makeup in Coronavirus Quarantine

Tiptoe Tingles ASMR
Published 5 years ago

obviously a joke. I just got back from Europe and subsequently have to be quarantined for 2 weeks. in these times, be sure to practice social distancing, wash your hands, and stay safe! everything is scary right now but it will get better. I pinky promise. reach out to me if you need any support!

see you guys on the other side of quarantine.

hope this gave you tingles! leave a like, comment, or subscribe if you enjoyed (as long as comments don't get disabled by Youtube)!

love always, k :)

- insta: tiptoetinglesasmr
- twitch: TiptoeTinglesASMR
- business/custom inquiries: [email protected]
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- if you'd like to donate (but no obligations or worries if you can't!!!):

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