asmr Friend does Your makeup

Jessica ASMR
Published 8 months ago

Welcome to my asmr channel.
I make all sorts of asmr videoโ€™s for sleep and relaxation.

Please wear headphones ๐ŸŽง while listening to my asmr #asmr videoโ€™s

Feel free to leave a comment down below โฌ‡๏ธ

I hope you enjoy my asmr videos
Please subscribe, like or dislike my asmr videos Have a nice day.

About me:
I wanted to do asmr for sleep and relaxing
asmr with me or with me & my family.

Sounds you hear on my YouTube channel are nostalgic or from your childhood.

Send me an email ๐Ÿ“ง first: for PayPal donations I use the $ for props | [email protected]

I Love you .


asmr friend does your makeup asmr makeup roleplay asmr makeup roleplay personal attention asmr makeup rp asmr personal attention soft spoken roleplay asmr roleplay asmr roleplay soft spoken asmr roleplay whisper asmr soft spoken ASMR whisper asmr whispering does friend Makeup roleplay whisper whispering Your

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