Futuristic Medical Treatment Tailored to Your DNA ๐Ÿ’ซ Taking Lots of Samples! | ASMR Sci Fi Medical RP

calliope whispers ASMR
Published 1 year ago

Wouldn't it be nice if getting an effective treatment was as easy as sampling some DNA and letting a computer figure out exactly what was going on and how to fix it? (sighs in chronic illness) In the future, it may be possible for diagnosis to be this easy, but it's also plausible that it would be just as tedious as it can be now. It's got a kind of satirical, sarcastic vibe to it while still being relaxing :)

I'll be taking around 13 different DNA samples (Why so many? Good question! It's just my job LOL) and from those samples, running them through a program that identifies all that you are ailing from and calculates the best medicine for your condition. I can do that right in the same appointment so you don't have to go to an outside pharmacy, it'll just take a while to count out all the medicine you need.

Checking You in ~ 00:00 โ€“ 01:35
Explaining How We Can Diagnose You ~ 01:35 โ€“ 03:05
Taking Your Temperature ~ 03:05 โ€“ 05:23
Taking Your Pulses, Respirations, & Oxygen Saturation ~ 05:23 โ€“ 07:55
Measuring Your Blood Pressure ~ 07:55 โ€“ 11:50
Why We're Taking DNA Samples ~11:50 โ€“ 12:20
Skin Cell Sampling with Cotton Swab ~ 12:20 โ€“ 13:55
Skin Cell Scraping with Wooden Specimen Stick ~ 13:55 โ€“ 15:11
Swab Sampling in Your Nose ~ 15:11 โ€“ 16:38
Buccal Scraping Sample ~ 16:38 โ€“ 18:56
Tongue Scraping Sample ~ 18:56 โ€“ 21:38
Teeth Scraping with Metal Instrument ~ 21:38 โ€“ 24:04
Swabbing Your Throat ~ 24:04 โ€“ 25:48
Salivary Sample ~ 25:48 โ€“ 26:30
Hair & Scalp Skin Samples ~ 26:30 โ€“ 30:15
Nail Samples ~ 30:15 โ€“ 33:49
Sweat Sample off Your Palms ~ 33:49 โ€“ 35:19
Poking Sample on Side of Finger ~ 35:19 โ€“ 37:27
Sample from Your Toes ~ 37:27 โ€“ 38:55
Analyzing Samples ~ 38:55 โ€“ 39:50
Creating the Prescription on Computer ~ 39:50 โ€“ 40:27
Filling the Prescription w/ Different Medicines ~ 40:27 โ€“ 47:08
Instructing You on Each Pill's Dosage ~ 47:08 โ€“ 49:36
Wrapping Up Appointment ~ 49:36 - 51:09

Triggers include: soft speaking, pencil writing sounds, face touching, typing sounds, light triggers, scraping sounds, pill sounds, liquid sounds, dental tools (BRIEFLY), hair brushing, plastic bristle sounds, and some personal attention.

Hope y'all enjoy, have a whale of a day! :)

xx Calliope

โฅ What Is ASMR? From Oxford Languages: "a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 'ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage.'"

โฅ I want y'all to have a safe environment here regardless of where you come from, who you love, what you look like, you name it. I don't tolerate discrimination or hatred based on attributes you can't change like where you were born, what color you are, if you have a disability, or who you loveโ€“ above all, be kind to one another. We're all just people, just trying to do our thing.

โฅ If you want to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it:
Ko-Fi link (one-time): ko-fi.com/calliopewhispersasmr
Patreon link (monthly perks like early access videos & exclusive content): patreon.com/calliopewhispers
Throne Gifts (wishlist for props/equipment): https://throne.me/u/calliopewhispers

โฅ Check me elsewhere on the Web:
The Big List Of It All: https://linktr.ee/xxcalliope
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/295qW7K1Ov0gLrb6nWXS3x
Twitter: @xx_calliope
TikTok: @xx_calliope
Instagram: @xx_calliope

โฅ About Me:
I'm Calliope, I'm a disabled, Hard of Hearing ASMRtist that got started in December 2016. I found ASMR back in 2011-ish when I was starting high school and it changed my life, so I wanted to create my own content and give back to the community. I'm known for my realistic medical RPs, as well as my pseudoscientific and historical RPs. ASMR is the most important thing in my life, and I hope to continue to make content for as long as possible.

โฅ Channel intro created by Bearded Audio ASMR (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJVQJE8WNtZenEzlzpnuA2A) :) background image is โ€œClose-up Photo of Green Leafed Plantโ€ from user Aditya Aiyar on pexels.com, no attribution required.

โฅ My equipment:
Audio Recording โ€“ Rode NT1-A Microphones, 3Dio XLR Binaural Microphone, Blue Yeti Microphone, Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphones
Filming โ€“ Lumix G85 Camera

โฅ Have a whale of a day and a good rest of your night! :)

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