Tavern Wine Tasting ASMR 🍷

Amy Kay ASMR
Published 4 years ago

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I hope you all enjoy a little wine tasting at the local tavern! I know I did :P The little sign in the back is a nod to my DND group, that is actually a podcast! Roll for Relaxation is on YT as well as other popular websites like Spotify. Check it out if you like :):

This was inspired by Articulate Designs tasting videos, which I very much enjoy! If you are into those types of videos take a look here:

Twitter: @AmyKayASMR
Instagram: AmyKayASMR
TikTok: AmyKayASMR

Become a Patron to help fund all my props and costumes! :)
Thank you to all my Patrons!
Curious Bowser, Aetheros, Alas K., Alex A., Alexander B., Alexandre B., Apollo, Aria N., Ascune, Austen P., Badass Dino, Bear, Ben, Brendan M, BsmSmo04, Cassandra, Dana H., Daniel L., Darin R., Dense M., Dz.Crasher, Emanuel, Erik, Esgaroth, F., Fabian W., Fabio D., Frederik F., Hadley M., Hawkeye P., Hollow, Jack B., Jacob C., Jacquelyn W., JBR231, Joel Y., John G., John Gr., Jordan S., Lizzon, Lock, McDergan, Miguel G., Mika K., Mingy, Nadir, Nate B., Nek, Nikita S., Owen L., Paddy W., Part Time Chemist, Patrick H., Richie C., Rick G., Rob T., Skyler N., Sophia K., TheRagingSkwrl, Viktor C., Viktor M., Will C., Will P.
Aaron A., Adam B., Age A., AL UK, Alex B., Alexander A., Anahi, Andre159, Andrew L., Antikrass, Bao H., Bearded Audio ASMR, Benji, Buzzn Frogg, Catherine C., Charles B., Colleen B., David C., David L., David M., Deendra L., Dexter J., Elad A., Elias G., Emma, Erick T., Finnegan M., Gabrielle R., Gustaf, Hannah, HMS A., Hutch, Ian J B., Inzayn, Javier, Jay J., Jess, John G., Just Call Me AJ, Just Jack, Justin M., K, Kevin S., KJ, Lima M., Lucas L., Malia J., Mare B., Matthew W., Max A., Mediocrity, Mendrael, Michal D., MisterOOPs, Nicolas, Nubia J., Orion G., P, Pix, Rafal K., Ripxdoc, Roundone9, RunnyMonkey, Saida O., Sam B., Sam T., Saskia, Scott M., Sommite, Steve S., Stryk R., Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, Yamil T.


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