Hey Everyone and welcome back.
This video is a nice relaxing head massage to ease away the tension and help you sleep. This is also my first attempt at running multiple mics.
New Mics! The mics I am speaking into are my new rode Mics,
the head massage is done on the dio, I apologize that it is a little low, but I hope this relaxes you and helps you sleep.
Best Enjoyed with headphones.
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Comcasualasmr 😎
Inquiries: [email protected]
Instagram: Completely_Casual_ASMR
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/completelycazual
What Is ASMR?
ASMR stands for Autonomous sensory meridian response, a feeling of pleasant relaxation and a sense of calm that comes over you due to audio and visual triggers, such as simulated face brushing or soft spoken positive affirmations. Everyone experiences ASMR differently, but it is a nice and natural way to relax and de stress.
3Dio 3dio ear massage asmr ASMR Head Massage asmr massage ASMR Scalp Massage asmr scalp massage sleep ASMR sleep Head Massage massage sleep soft spoken