今夜の動画は🎌Japanese Onlyのダミーヘッドマイクを使用しハトムギジェル、ココナツオイルとシャンプーの頭皮マッサージ、顔のマッサージとお耳マッサージをします🤗😍✨このトリガーで一緒にリラックスできれば嬉しいです💖明日もお互い頑張ろうね💪🏻
00:00 チャンネルメンバーの皆さん応援ありがとうございます(カエルの音)
00:21 日本語で囁く、お耳マッサージ
02:28 ハトムギジェルで顔、お耳と頭皮マッサージ
05:58 中古車買ってよw
06:45 この猫ドレス新しいのうふふ
12:00 顔をふきふき
15:41 シャンプーで顔、お耳、頭皮マッサージ、シャンプーのじわじわ音(?)最高
25:26 また顔のふきふき
27:23 ココナツオイルを使ってマッサージ、褒めてあげるね
🌸About Me🌸
My name is Uniy and I grew up in Japan 🗾🏯🎋
I'm bilingual in both Japanese & English, however, my Japanese is currently the "dormant language" as I live in NZ and don't use it in my everyday life so there are times where I struggle to get my point across in Japanese lol 😅 I like to try use both languages in my asmr videos for extra tingles 😴 This videos is a special JP only video where I catch up with my Japanese viewers 🤗
👑Thank you to my channel members for supporting me👑
Join here and gain access to this video without music (& super cute emojis) uwu: https://bit.ly/30NSa68
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📺Video Chapters📺
00:00 thank you members, froggy!
00:21 ear massage with hands, ear to ear japanese whispering
02:28 hatomugi facial gel ear massage
04:08 ear massage with gel
05:58 i bought a used car - yay
06:45 my new cat dress uwu
12:00 wiping your face, head, ears with a wet towel
13:52 disposable glove sounds
15:41 shampooing your head, face and ears, shampoo sounds, popping suds sounds, loofa sounds
25:26 wiping shampoo off your head with wet towel
27:23 coconut oil head massage, face massage & ear massage, oily sounds and positive affirmations
🎧 BGM🎧
Nature Healing Society on YT
#asmruniy #headmassage #aestheticasmr
aesthetic asmr asmr asmr uniy bilingual asmr cute asmr japan asmr japanese asmr kawaii asmr the uniy asmr the uniys asmr uniy asmr uniys asmr 音フェチ