Showing you my room n Berlin with lots of tapping on random things, lens taps, scratching and more in this video. This hotel hits diffferent lol! I hope you like this video for today! Eda
#asmr #sleep #asmrvideo
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I used to post many videos like this back in the day and on my edafoxx makeup channel so I felt like sharing this with you all on here! take care hehe and let me know your favorite part!! I'd love to know!
tags: asmr,room tour,asmr tapping,berlin,asmr doing your makeup,doing my makeup,makeup favorites,makeup collection,makeup haul,asmr makeup,asmr personal attention,asmr makeover,asmr makeup ropleplay,doing my makeup,roleplay asmr,tapping,tapping makeup,edafoxx
asmr asmr doing your makeup asmr makeover asmr makeup asmr makeup ropleplay asmr personal attention asmr tapping berlin doing my makeup edafoxx makeup collection makeup favorites makeup haul roleplay asmr room tour tapping tapping makeup