ASMR: Vietnamese Deep Tissue Oil Massage!

Cleo Abrahams
Publicado hace 1 aƱo

ASMR: Vietnamese Deep Tissue Oil Massage!

šŸ“Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Place Name: The Mį»™c Spa
Name of treatment: Deep Tissue Massage

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00:00 - intro
02:17 - head massage
06:57 - neck + shoulder massage
09:41 - clean feet
10:39 - massage right leg
16:03 - massage left leg
21:29 - left arm and hand massage
24:32 - right arm and hand massage
27:16 - back oil massage
31:50 - massage along spine
34:14 - left shoulder massage
36:35 - right shoulder massage
39:58 - left leg massage
43:18 - right leg massage
46:20 - neck and shoulder massage
46:40 - back stretching
47:52 - conclusion

Hey everyone! today I tried an intense Vietnamese deep tissue massage for deep sleep! The massage started with a relaxing head massage, then the massage therapist gave me a neck massage, shoulder massage, arm massage, back massage, leg massage and foot massage! Lastly she even did some stretching! If you like asmr massage videos, asmr deep tissue massage, asmr massage sleep, relaxing head massage, asmr cleo massage, asmr massage personal attention, asmr healing massage, foot massage relaxing asmr, asmr head neck and back massage, stress relief massage asmr, relaxing facial, deep tissue neck massage asmr, asmr massage real person, best asmr body massage, asmr aggressive massage, oil massage relaxing asmr and asmr massages in general don't forget to subscribe! I will post more asmr massage video every week!

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