(Not ASMR!) 12 Hour Charity Livestream! Gibi & CURE | Read Description!

Publicado hace 5 años

DONATE HERE: https://tiltify.com/@gggibi/gibicure/donate
BID OR BUY AUCTION ITEMS HERE: https://www.32auctions.com/Gibi
Also, please take the time to read the About section of the auction for more information on why CURE. :)

CURE website: https://cureepilepsy.org

WHY Cure???? (And why does Gibi keep talking about Hamilton????)
Miguel and Kelly's Story (2017) https://youtu.be/oUXtHlwvDBk
Adelaide's Story (2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL8YhxaX-4c
Inchstone's Blog: https://www.kellycervantes.com/blog
Seizing Life Podcast: https://www.cureepilepsy.org/seizing-life/

YouTube livestream SATURDAY 12/7
10am CST - 10pm CST
There will be milestone goals for donation amounts hit! You are here right now!
Our goal is $2,500

Twitch livestream SUNDAY 12/8
8am CST - 8pm CST
There will be EVEN MORE (new!!) milestone goals for donations hit! You'll definitely want to be there!
Our goal is $2,500

The auction also ends Sunday 12/8 at 8pm CST - with a goal of $5,000 raised.
I will be matching up to $10,000, so hopefully all together, we can raise $20,000 this weekend for CURE!!!!! I am really nervous but really excited and hopeful that I can give you guys an entertaining show all weekend!

Make sure to keep an eye on https://32auctions.com/Gibi and place some bids! There is a proxy bid available if you won't be around!

*Please note that for the name video, I'll be saying the first name of the name you use to sign up with 32Auctions with!*

Any more questions? Let me know! This event is dedicated to Adelaide Cervantes ♡ The ASMR community is here to lend our support.


asmr charity gibi stream

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