Asmr ~ Eating Edible Crystals! |Silky Gem| 💎🩵

Flower Asmr
Publicado hace 1 año

Thank you for siky Gem for sponsoring today’s video !

Website Below ⬇️

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Here is the national suicide hotline number if you ever are in need of urgent help. ⤵️


Also if you would like you can go follow my Asmr instagram ↩️

I'm on Instagram as _flower_asmr_. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

And or follow my Professional account for extra support. ⤵️

I'm on Instagram as cosette__hauer. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

For any businesses offers or collaborations please email me at. ⤵️

[email protected] 🤍


Here is my Tip Jar if your you’re interested! 💵 ⤵️


Know that this is a safe space for all and I love you to the moon and back!





asmr edible crystals

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