ASMR Doing Weird & Wonderful Things To Your Face

ASMR Shortbread
Publicado hace 3 años

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Tonight, I will be doing weird and wonderful things to your face so sit back, relax and hopefully you can fall asleep.
Personal attention triggers include: close up whispering, face brushing, face touching, layered sounds, layered triggers.

I'd like to say thank you very much to my amazing patrons for supporting me and connecting with me on my page. Thank you Aks, Alan, Alex, Andrew, Angus, Armand, Ashley, Autumn, Avila (Scott), Barbara, Benjamin, Blue, Branwen, Brian, Bryan, Caleb, Cedric, Charles, Chris, Dan, Darva, David, Don, easyasdoremi, Eric, evgeniamedvedeva, Frank, Francina, Fred, Gary, Gerben, Gitsom, Gin, Gregory, Hannah, Henry, Ian, Invitro, Jack, Jackson, James, Jay, Jeffrey, Jesse, Jimmy, Joey, Johnny, Johnathon, Josh, Justin, Kameron, Ken, Kris, Lee, Mac, Marc, Mark, Marie, Marit, Marque, Mathew, Matt, Michael, Mike, Milton, Mindy, Mr. EB, Mudguts, Nate, Navy, Pablo, Panos, Patrick, Paul, Paws, Peter, Rain, Ramsey, Ricardo, Rob, Ron, Rory, Ross, Rumalda, RW, Ryan, Sam, Sampson, ScatteredStars, Scott, Sean, Seth, Seton, Shoopy, Starromania72, Synecdoche, Tortellini, Thomas, Vici, Will, Zaccy, Zvika - you guys are great!

CONNECT with me on Twitter, TikTok or Instagram: @asmrshortbread
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Many thanks and much love,
ASMR Shortbread ♥️

- This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR purposes.
- This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment.


asmr doing stuff to your face asmr doing things to your face asmr doing weird stuff to your face asmr doing weird things to your face asmr face brushing personal attention asmr face brushing whispering asmr personal attention asmr personal attention face touching asmr personal attention layered sounds asmr personal attention layered triggers asmr personal attention up close whispering asmr personal attention whispering asmr personal attention whispers layered sounds

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