ASMR Journey to the Center of the Universe: Cosmology and History of the Cosmos

The French Whisperer ASMR
Publicado hace 3 años

This soft spoken ASMR video explores theories in Physical Cosmology and how mankind represented the universe since before the emergence of modern science, as well as alternative theories that were later abandonned:
- The Ancient Greek and Medieval Theory of Spheres
- Heliocentric models of the 16th and 17th Centuries, such as the one proposed by Copernicus
- The steady-state Universe of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
- The Big Bang Theory, which is the standard theory describing the history and expansion of the universe.
- Alternative hypothesis that were later abandonned, and why, like Tired Light or Plasma Cosmology.

Related Astronomy and Physics videos:
- Galactic Cruise:
- Theory of Relativity:
- Exoplanets:
- Solar System:
- Journey to the Infinitely Small:

Script and narration by the French Whisperer, visuals by the French Whisperer, under Wikipedia Commons (including introduction film by NASA), or under web licence from Panthermedia. Music and sound effects from the YouTube Audio Library for Creators.

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0:00 Galileo experiment on the Moon
4:29 Where is the Center of the Universe?
9:15 Antique Views and Theory of Spheres
22:50 Copernician Revolution, Tycho Brahe and Galileo
31:29 Telescopes, Newton, Standard and Non-Standard Theories
39:03 20th Century Theories
43:43 Alternatives: Tired Light, Plasma Cosmology...
56:48 Big Bang Theory and History of the Universe

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