Hey friends.
This one is hard for me. To say the least. It’s just scary putting yourself out there on the internet for the world 🌎 to see. But, I want to help as MANY people as possible, and I’m hoping by sharing my story that I will be able to do that. So here it is. I was an addict for about 2 1/2 years. Before I was a mom, thank god. I’m a few weeks shy of 6 years clean from all drugs and alcohol. My addiction was pills. Opiate pills. You will hear more in my story. If you want some more in-depth stories of stuff I went through in that time, let me know and I’d be happy to share.
💫If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction you can reach out to me and I can link you with local resources. I am linked to a lot of agencies that I work with and I’m happy to help. That’s what this is all about. Saving as many lives as possible.
This video is dedicated to all the people I knew, and lost due to drugs...
❤️Josh C.💜Ryan P💙Jennifer C❤️Crystal Lynn D.🧡Jenna A.🤍Monica M.🖤Miguel C💛JoJo K💚Tori L.💜Eliel R.💙Amber P🧡Mandi J🤍David C💛Sarah I.💙Kelly R. 💔
❣️Follow me here...
🎄Instagram- RachRASMR
🎁Twitter- ASMR Rach R
🔔Business email- [email protected]
💫Palpal link for tips- (Thank u) https://paypal.me/rachrasmr?locale.x=en_US
🍒Patreon coming VERY soon!
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