Hello hello hello. How are you? I am back with another language video. I tried to find the best sounding trigger words in each language, and I hope you enjoy this video. Please show some love as it has taken me quite some time to select all the words and learn the pronunciation. I love you all 💟
0:00 INTRO
1:58 GERMAN 🇩🇪
1. Feather - Feder
2. Envelope - Briefumschlag
3. Sunflower - Sonnenblume
4. Flashlight - Taschenlampe
5. Snowflake - Schneeflocke
6:46 SWEDISH 🇸🇪
1. Jellyfish - Maneter
2. Daffodil - Påsklilja
3. Face - Ansikte
4. Bag - Väska
5. Tattoo - Tatuering
12:21 SPANISH 🇪🇸
1. Pillow - Almohada
2. Whistle - Silbato
3. Earring - Arete
4. Lamp - Lámpara
5. Whale - Ballena
15:47 ARABIC 🇸🇦
1. Ocean - المحيط
2. Necklace - قلادة
3. Olive - زيتون
4. Candle - شمعة
5. Wave - موجة
20:00 CZECH 🇨🇿
1. Egg - Vejce
2. Door - Dveře
3. Sleep - Spánek
4. Apricot - Meruňka
5. Elbow - Loket
24:23 TURKISH 🇹🇷
1. Oyster - İstiridye
2. Notebook - Not Defteri
3. Shell - Kabuk
4. Glasses - Gözlükler
5. Ice cream - Dondurma
29:04 ENGLISH 🇺🇸
1. Tic-tac
2. Crispy coconut
3. Plentiful
4. Split
5. Conundrum
33:32 ROMANIAN 🇷🇴
1. Honey - Miere
2. Pencil - Creion
3. Window - Fereastra
4. Tulip - Laleaua
5. Mushroom - Ciuperci
37:52 KOREAN 🇰🇷
1. Icicle - 고드름
2. Fireplace - 벽난로
3. Library - 도서관
4. Dawn - 새벽
5. Giraffe - 기린
42:26 CHINESE 🇨🇳
1. Chocolate - 巧克力
2. Comb - 梳理
3. Ribbon - 丝带
4. Helicopter - 直升飞机
5. Beach - 海滩
46:16 NORWEGIAN 🇳🇴
1. Iceberg - Isfjell
2. Rainbow - Regnbue
3. Fan - Vifte
4. Grape - Drue
5. Breakfast - Frokost
50:20 ITALIAN 🇮🇹
1. Watch - Orologio
2. Sugar - Zucchero
3. Eggplant - Melanzana
4. Almond - Mandorla
5. Sweater - Maglione
54:02 GREEK 🇬🇷
1. Table - πίνακας
2. Scarf - κασκόλ
3. Needle - βελόνα
4. Newspaper - εφημερίδα
5. Waterfall - καταρράκτης
1. Planet - Hành tinh
2. Penguin - Chim cánh cụt
3. Breeze - Gió nhẹ
4. Towel - Cái khăn lau
5. Instrument - Dụng cụ
1:01:22 PORTUGUESE 🇧🇷
1. Umbrella - Guarda-chuva
2. Sculpture - Escultura
3. Passport - Passaporte
4. Crayon - Giz de cera
5. Tissue- Tecido
1:04:51 UKRANIAN 🇺🇦
1. Finger - палець
2. Water - води
3. Lightning - блискавка
4. Love - любов
5. Bread - хліб
1:08:20 INDONESIAN 🇮🇩
1. Breakfast - Sarapan
2. Mountain - Gunung
3. Cloud - Awan
4. Cup - Cangkir
5. House - Rumah
1:12:09 JAPANESE 🇯🇵
1. Mannequin - マネキン
2. Apron - エプロン
3. Train - 電車
4. Plant - 植物
5. Comforter - 布団
1:16:40 FRENCH 🇫🇷
1. Brush - Pinceau
2. Cake - Gâteau
3. Elevator - Ascenseur
4. Bakery - Boulangerie
5. Towel - Serviette
1:21:12 FINNISH 🇫🇮
1. Spoon - Lusikka
2. Leaf - Lehti
3. Forest - Metsä
4. Theater - Teatteri
5. Raindrop - Sadepisara
1:25:30 OUTRO
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