ASMR Sleep Clinic Roleplay 😴 Soft Spoken Sleep Study

TheBeatleBabe ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

#asmrsleepclinic #asmrroleplay #thebeatlebabeasmr

Hi Guys! In this sleep clinic role play I am performing a sleep study on you with personal attention and making sure your stress level is eradicated by the end of the session.

I am helping you with your depression, anxiety and your insomnia. I hope by the end of this video you are sleepy and as relaxed as possible! :)

I would like to thank you guys for all the support. Please subscribe and hit the LIKE 👍 button if you haven't already!

I want to hear from YOU! (Comment down below) what do you wanna see next???


anxiety asmr asmr examination asmr personal attention ASMR sleep asmr sleep clinic ASMR Tingles assortment blood bottle clinic depression doctor dripping dropper experiment Finger follow hand movements insomnia Interview liquid medical Medical ASMR misting paper pen pressure questionnaire relax relaxation relaxing robe role play roleplay sleep sleep clinic sounds spray spraying spritz Squeezing tapping test THE trigger volunteer water

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