ENG ASMR|🎨 Personal Color Analysis + 💄 Make Your Own Cosmetics ! |퍼스널컬러 진단 + 화장품 만드는 가게 :)

Publicado hace 5 años

Hello Everyone :)
Hope You're doing really well there - !
It has been a while since I uploaded my last video -
I've missed you all - ! :)

So, Today I'm going to help you get your Own Personal Color and after that we are going to Create your Own Personalized Cosmetics such as blush and lipstick ! Yayyyy :D

Actually It took me so long to be done with this video.
Because I had no idea about Personal color things so, I had to study about it for a while ( But still remain amateur lol ) and then had to work on my script to be translated into English .. and practice... :p
It wasn't that easy for me when it comes to this personal color thing video which was also new to me lol :)
But I had a really fun time while I was shooting the video by creating something and destroying my old lipstick which was so satisfied..And also those remind me of playing house that I used to do when I was a little girl :)
I did my best as much as I can so I hope you really enjoy this with me ♥
+ You'll find me being so clumsy and silly on this video ;D Lol
Anyway ! I love you all ! ♥

+ the question part 2 of personal color test has been deleted by my mistake in the video... :) The question was 'If you have any redness on your face or not..'
Please kindly understand this....♡

* I'd really appreciate the help getting my videos to be more accessible to people from all around the world ! ♥ :)

안녕하세요 여러분 혜랑입니다 :)
오랜만에 영상을 들고 온 것 같아요 -
여행을 잘 다녀오고, 쉴 수 있을 때엔 또 쉬고 그러고 있답니다 :)

오늘 영상에서는 제가 여러분의 퍼스널컬러를 진단해 드리고
그것을 바탕으로 여러분만의 화장품도 만들어 드릴거예요 :) !
사실 제가 퍼스널컬러에 대한 지식이 없어서 공부도 해야했고 (여전히 서툴고 모르겠지만..ㅎㅎ) 준비물도 필요하고, 스크립트도 짜느라 이번 영상은 참 시간이 많이 소비 되었어요 -
그래서 힘들기도 했지만, 하면서 마치 어렸을 때 소꿉놀이를 하는 기분이라 재밌게도 촬영했습니다 :)
그렇지만, 이 영상에서는 아주 서툴고, 덤벙대는 퍼스널컬러 진단사를 만나게 되실거예요 :D.... ??
여름이 오고 있어요 - 저는 에어컨을 틀기 시작했고,
수박이 정말 아주많이 생각나고 있어요 -
전 고향집에 또 내려왔으므로 아빠가 수박을 사오실테고
전 그 수박을 아주 맛있게 얼음 동동 띄우고 먹을거예요 ! :D

그럼 여러분,
시원한 밤, 굿나잇 되기를 바랄게요 :)
굿바암 - ♥

+ 한국어 자막은 지금 작업중이라 아직 끝까지 완료는 못했지만,
얼른해서 마치도록 할게요 :) !


asmr asmr korean color analysis asmr color chart examination lipstick asmr lipstick mixing asmr makeup asmr makeup asmr korean Personal Attention ASMR personal attention asmr roleplay personal color analysis Rang asmr removing makeup asmr skincare asmr Soft spoken korean whispering asmr whispering asmr korean 音フェチ

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