ASMR Request/Crayon rummage/Coloring (No talking) Whispered version later today. Filmed in May

Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction

Video request for Crayon rummaging in a hard plastic container. I really enjoyed this. Who doesn't love coloring? It was very relaxing. I had no plan for colors or pattern of them. It just morphed as I went along. Not too shabby eh? I hope y'all and my requester will too! Whispered version later today.

Sounds of crayon coloring, crayon rummage, paper page turning

[email protected]

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asmr asmr calming sounds asmr coloring asmr coloring book asmr coloring with crayons ASMR Crayon Rummage asmr help for anxiety asmr immunity asmr insomnia help asmr intoxicating sounds asmr no talking asmr nostalgia asmr relaxing sounds asmr sound therapy asmr sounds for sleeping coloring coloring with crayons

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