[ASMR] 6 Slime Triggers! (Crunchy, Clicky, Stretchy, Gooey)

Publicado hace 7 años

*Caution, I use a plastic knife in this video to cut and spread the slimes at some points!*
Welcome back to more SLIME!!!!!! These videos end up really long because time actually flies by when I'm poking slime on the table?? Why???

So contrary to what I think I say in the beginning, I DID end up adding a lot of borax to all of these slimes. I think my room got too hot with the lights so it was getting really melty and sticky and !!!!!!! But I think I managed. If messy hands/a little bit of stickiness bothers you, you might want to skip around a bit, but I'm generally pretty happy with how it turned out :3

I tried to go in order of loudest to more quiet, but here is the table of contents/credit to slimers!

0:00 Intro, tapping on slime containers, explaining names/textures
9:48 Fairy Glades (Textured, floam-y, Crunchy)
19:29 Chewed Up Mint-y Bubble Gum (Foam bits, textured, sticky)
27:56 Strawberry Milk (Soft, liquid-y, very clicky)
36:59 Green Apple Laffy Taffy Scented Icee (Mike Wazowski) (Foamy, Light, Spreadable) [Slime Cit B*tch]
49:12 Jamba Juice (Thick, textured, clicky) [Slime City B*tch]
1:00:16 Aurora Putty (Clicky, gooey, iridescent) [Slime by Sara]

*I purchased all of these slimes myself! Here are their Etsy shops*
Slime Alchemist: https://goo.gl/1cDCyg
Slime by Sara: https://goo.gl/wC6N1z
Slime City B*tch: https://goo.gl/T3fLWn

My upload schedule:
►Every Tuesday
►Every Thursday
►Every Saturday
(Seeking Therapy or Counseling? Try online.)
Side note, I find that I get a lot of comments and messages about using ASMR for anxiety, depression, and more. I can totally relate with that, and ASMR is an awesome outlet for those things. However, if you’re interested, here is a link to a website with real, professional & licensed counselors. You can type to them, or call them! It’s actually a really cool service and I use it personally. It costs as low as $35 a week, and you don’t have to leave your house to use it. :)

Here you go!: http://www.tryonlinetherapy.com/gibiasmr/

FTC: By using my BetterHelp referral link you are supporting this channel. I receive commissions on any sales, but I only promote products I believe in. (I use this website to talk to my own personal therapist!)

I also donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.

The last ASMR video to help me sleep:

Find me on the internet!
►PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gibiasmr
►INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/GibiOfficial
►FACEBOOK: https://www.fb.me/gibiasmr
►TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/GibiOfficial (I use this the most)
►SHOP: http://gibi.bigcartel.com/
►GAMING CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/c/GibiOfficial
►TWITCH/LIVESTREAMING: twitch.tv/gggibi


alchemist asmr bits borax bubble gum bubbles butter chewed up chewedup click clicky cronch crunch crunchy cut Cutting etsy fairy floam foam gibi green gum gummy icee icy jamba juice knife laffy taffy milk milky mix pink purple putty Satisfying Scented slime slime by sara slime city slime city bitch slimealchemist slimey smooth spread spreadable spreading sticky strawberry texture textured tingles trigger triggers tw

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