ASMR Reiki Throat Chakra Balancing/Self Expression, Finding Your Truth/Heal & Soothe/Reiki Master

Reiki with Anna
Publicado hace 4 años

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Hello Everybody,

Welcome to my Channel! I hope you're all doing as well as possible. Sending you a big hug! This is our video dedicated to balancing the Throat Chakra. I am so excited by this series! I have been amazed by your response so far, and can't wait to keep making them!

As always, thank you so much for your touching and heartwarming comments. I know I am a broken record, but you have NO IDEA how much it means to me! Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

A Special Thank You to Laurie Owen, Noemi Waymire, and Eric Wood :) Your support means the world to me!

In Overwhelming Gratitude,

Here are some other links:

My Patreon:

Plant Based Living with Anna:

My Other ASMR Channel (ASMR with Anna):

My Reiki Master:
Lune Innate

Aurora by Jonny Easton
Check out his channel

If you are in a personal crisis - please call now 1-800-273-TALK (8258) (24 hours hotline), or 1-800-LIFENET.

I am not a medical professional. Do not use this video as a substitute for seeking medical advice. This is a spiritual practice. If you wish, it can be used to compliment your healthcare regime. It is in NO WAY meant to replace professional medical guidance and care.


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