ASMR ❄ The Sight of the Seer | Fantasy Roleplay, Soft Spoken Storytelling for Sleep

Musing Mira ASMR
Publicado hace 1 año

You've journeyed so far little lamb, but will you find the answers you seek here?

Previous video in this POV:
(If you are new and confused as all get out, scroll down and look for the 👋🏼; I'll provide some context for you 😉)
(If you have been around since the beginning and have a soft spot for Havenmoor, look for the ❄; and I'll give some fun behind the scenes details should you wish!)


🚨 If you love the background! 🚨

The wonderful @RaynaTamarinASMR created this animated background for me and she knocked it out of the park! I seriously just sent her a few inspiration pics with 'the vibe is deserted snowy castle' and she NAILED IT! So a huge thank you to her for helping this video come to life so well. Check out her channel and the links there if you have any animated background needs.


👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 For the newbies here! Hello and welcome! 👋🏼 👋🏼👋🏼
This is a continuation of the Havenmoor series, which is a story I've been writing on this channel since its beginning. You can catch all the videos that wind you through the tale on this playlist:

I tell the story from many different POV's to give you the broadest perspective of Havenmoor and the characters you meet, and especially for the more recent videos I've started linking important 'previous' videos in the descriptions in case you feel a little lost and don't want to watch through everything.

I know it's a little dense contextually and the lore is vast, so it's not everyone's cup of tea but this tale is truly what started it all, and I have every intention of seeing it to its completion on this channel. 😊


❄❄❄ For the Havenmoor lovers! Hello friends! ❄❄❄
You know how I've been saying I've had the story planned out since the beginning? This is one of those characters I am BEYOND thrilled to finally have you meet. The Sorceress and the Seer were created simultaneously at the very start and you finally get to see the other side of the coin.
It has been so much fun to quietly weave her presence throughout it all. Building up to such an important piece while knowing your POV would meet her only the one time, and then she would fade back into hushed whispers and vague references? *Chef's kiss* The stuff of fantasy lover's dreams. I have such a soft spot for our Seer, and I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did. As always feel free to ask any lore questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer without any spoilers. 🤍🤍🤍


✨Thanks to all my awesome members! Click here to join the Patreon crew:

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💛Thanks for reading all the way down here- I hope you have an extra sweet night's rest.


(Disclaimer: While my content is intended to help with relaxation and sleep it cannot, nor is it intended to replace professional treatment. If you are battling with psychological troubles please consult a licensed physician.)

#asmr #asmrsounds #tingles #sleep #fantasy #roleplay #Havenmoor #softspoken


asmr ASMR sleep asmr sounds for sleep relaxation roleplay tingles

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