How To Make Him VALUE YOU ( Value Yourself )

Publicado hace 5 años

This is a video about Empowerment and valuing yourself, I try to make it funny but also motivational, I hope it helps in reminding you of your worth and how amazing you are, once you start believing in that, then you'll start living by this mindset, and you'll be taking actions based on love not fear. Love yourself, Know your value, Prioritize your happiness! don't accept less nor settle, you deserve true love, remember your worth.
To do that, you got to start valuing your life, your time and health.
take care of yourself emotionally, physically and mentally before you start expecting other people to do that for you.
A man needs to see his own value and believe that he deserves a good woman like you before he can see your value, but if he doesn't see his value then he won't be able to see yours.
there's some truth to that saying ( You teach people how to respect you) although you can't teach serial killers to be respectful!! :p so only a person who respects themselves first can respect you.
I hope this video empowers you.. I Value you!

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