Yoga Nidra for When You Don't Feel Good Enough

Shaylee Taylor | Liberation Yoga
Publicado hace 2 años

You might have noticed we missed a week there, my daughter and I were both sick and if you're a parent yourself I know you can relate to the struggle of parenting a sick child while you're sick yourself - am I right? 😅
nb: There are a couple of gentle f-bombs in this practice.

Welcome to this practice is for those times when you're just not feeling good enough. It is a 40ish minute NSDR non-sleep deep rest practice. Whether something has failed, or it's a ruminating though for you, or someone else's opinion of you (or something else!) this is the practice for you. We (you and me) approach this practice with curiosity, kindness, surrender and a little body awareness, breath practice and visualisation.

Sign up for your free downloadable Yoga Nidra practice here (unpublished anywhere else)

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is deep relaxation and rest without sleep - although it's fine if you do fall asleep! Restoration before liberation. Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, chronic pain, PTSD and so much more.

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If you are feeling stressed, this practice can be just what you need to experience inner peace and joy. It is also a great way to help you fall asleep and sleep deeply if you practice before bed.

Looking for more? Practice these next:
Yoga Nida for Difficult Ruminating Thoughts
Yoga Nidra for Sleep

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or Yoga Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Hi! I'm Shaylee. I am the founder of Liberation Yoga. I facilitate space for connection with the self and with others through the modalities of yoga and meditation. I have a deep interest in the power of conscious rest and my classes are gentle, introspective, trauma informed and accessible to all folk. Each practice is guided by me, using both direct and invitational language, but your experience and the way you participate is ultimately created by you. You have permission here to be yourself, whatever that means in that moment, and you have the agency to stop, start, adjust or change any single part of each practice. This space is of you and for you.


asmr irest non sleep deep relaxation NSDR online yoga TC-TSY TCTSY yoga Nedra

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