🌿ASMR🌿 Extra Long, Up Close & Personal Ramble: My (Old) Skincare Routine ((Soft-Spoken Show & Tell))

Remme ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Behold, my longest ramble yet!

This video is not a favorite of mine, partly because of that eerie howl (0:55), partly because of the even eerier way I say “linalool” (1:04:34). But above all, I am not keen on it because of my recent realization that many of my beloved products, though *technically* vegan, are not cruelty-free. And, you know… what’s the point of that?

So I will be putting out another (shorter) video soon, updating you on my new and much improved skincare regimen!

You may wonder why I am putting this one out at all, as it features products that don’t meet my standards as a vegan.S imply put, I think both internet culture and vegan culture suffer from an excess of modeled perfectionism. Because I speak a lot about my veganism here, I would like to give you an honest look at my process, including the moments in which I make (and try to learn from) mistakes. You feel me?

I will put the names of all mentioned products (as well as their vegan and/or cruelty-free statuses) in the comments :)

Stay tuned after the feature for some extremely topical Snaps.

Sorry for the state of my bathroom—it's clean, but very old and extremely green.

Follow me on Instagram (if you like): @remme.official

Happy Holidays!


skincareASMR skincareroutine asmr Quarantingles

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