13 Autumn Triggers for Friday the 13th I Whisper I Nail Tapping I Crinkles

Jenn Again ASMR
Publicado hace 5 años

0:40 Flannel
2:44 Tea (crinkles) from geekyteas.com
6:10 Wand 
7:35 Velvet hat
9:15 Fairy lights (glass tapping)
10:35 Leaves
12:15 Flowers
14:00 Pumpkins (tapping)
15:11 Soft blanket
16:40 Candle (glass tapping, fire) from 42 Nerdtastic Place 42nerdtasticplace.com
19:00 Lipgloss (tapping) from Colourpop colourpop.com
21:00 Gloves
22:40 Book


13 asmr autumn blanket book calm candle caring comfort cozy crinkle fall flannel flowers Friday friday the 13th friday the thirteenth glass glass tapping leaves lights Makeup Quiet relax relaxing sleep sleepy soft spoken tapping tea tgif thirteen velvet wand warm whisper witch

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