Hello everybody! So today's video is just a quick (Non ASMR) update to let you all know about my patreon page. I go over the tiers you can join, and what you can gain from pledging towards my page. This is strictly informational, but if you happen to enjoy it, then thank you!
I have had my patreon page for a few years now, but I feel I have never truly applied my potential towards it, and after a few months of tweaking and working on it, I have now created rewards I am even more proud of, and pleased to present to you!
I created this video purposefully for the beginning of November as Patreon charges patrons on the day of purchase, then at the beginning of every month then on, so I wanted you to see all of the rewards for as long as possible. For those that already pledge towards my patreon, thank you!
And for those who comment, watch, like and/or subscribe to my channel, I thank you! Your interaction, feedback and kind words better me! I have a tendency to be more professional in my videos, but for the description section at least, I would like to pause that and let you all know, that everything you do (even reading this) is all appreciated and I am so grateful for the time you spend watching my videos!
To find out more about each specific tier or patreon in general:
My Last Video:
Triggers Include:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LauraLemureXASMR
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LauraLemurex
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lauralemurex/
PAYPAL DONATIONS: [email protected]
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/lauralemurex
BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: [email protected]
asmr lauralemurex patreon