hello guys and welcome..💜
i hope you are having a lovely time..
in todays asmr video im doing ASMR SLOW WHISPERING TRIGGER WORDS and HAND MOVEMENTS Personal Attention and a little bit of lens tapping and lens touching ..
lots of loooove
please SUBSCRIBE...and LIKE the video
i have struggled with sleep for so long until i found ASMR and it helped me so much with my sleep and now i want to do the same for sleepless :)
i hope i can make you relax and give you tingles...
and always remember you are a noor in somebodys life ;)
arabic asmr asmr asmr camera tapping asmr fall asleep asmr for sleep asmr hand movements asmr lens tapping asmr lens touching asmr personal attention asmr slow whisper hand movements asmr slow whispering ASMR SLOW WHISPERING TRIGGER WORDS HAND MOVEMENTS Personal Attention asmr whispering trigger words elladenoor asmr fall asleep asmr Sleep ASMR اسمر عربی اسمر همسات اي اس ام ار عشوائي ای اس ام ار ای اس ام ار همسات فيديو للاسترخاء والنوم همسات غير مفهومة