ASMR: Relaxing Thai Hammer Tok Sen and Bamboo Full Body Oil Massage
※ The locations in the video are personally visited and experienced. No brand partnerships or sponsored content were involved.
※ Subtitles and audio tracks in multiple languages are available.
※ Choose the "Interlingua" audio track to listen to relaxing music.
※ Choose the "Interlingue" audio track to listen to the sounds of rain and thunder.
📍Bangkok, Thailand
Shop Name: B Blossom Spa
Name of the Massage: B Blossom Signature Massage
Price for 90 minutes : 1620 Baht = 45 Euro = 47 USD = 880 ZAR
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00:00 - preview
00:32 - intro and spa
01:14 - press all over body
01:53 - left leg and foot oil massage
03:45 - left leg bamboo massage
07:59 - right leg and foot oil massage
09:47 - right leg bamboo massage
13:52 - oil back massage
17:40 - bamboo back massage
21:36 - massage back with elbows
22:45 - full body toksen (hammer) massage
24:33 - turn around
24:50 - press on body
25:45 - left leg and foot oil massage
28:24 - left leg bamboo massage
31:30 - right leg and foot oil massage
34:08 - right leg bamboo massage
36:45 - right arm and hand oil massage
38:00 - left arm and hand massage
39:17 - belly massage
40:20 - full body toksen (hammer) massage
40:55 - shoulder, neck and head massage
43:26 - shoulder and neck massage
45:12 - final back toksen (hammer) massage
46:01 - conclusion
Hey everyone today I tried a relaxing thai full body bamboo and toksen massage! This massage was very professional, it included a leg massage, back massage, arm massage, neck and shoulder massage and lastly a head massage. The use of bamboo and toksen was amazing and I really relaxed with this treatment! If you like asmr massage videos, asmr no talking, asmr sleep, toksen massage asmr, thai massage asmr, thailand massage asmr, neck shoulder massage asmr, massage techniques for relaxing full body, massage videos for relaxation and asmr in general subscribe!
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