안녕하세요 Cookiss!
그유명한 바다포도영상!!!!
듣기만해도 스트레스 풀리는 영상이에요~!
오늘도 뽀독뽀독한 꿈꾸며 푸우우욱 주무셔주세요 ♥️
잘자요~ Cookiss!!!
Hi Cookiss!
My sister and I really enjoyed eating sea grapes as it was actually our first time trying it 🧡 I hope you enjoy this video ♥️
Now, let’s sleep like a baby like always 💤
Love y’all, Cookiss 🥰
🎈🎈🎈always love you subscribing and liking 🎈🎈🎈
abbey asmr asmr asmr eating show asmr edible asmr food asmr most popular asmr no talking asmr seagrapes asmr tapping ASMREating bird glasses comfort food eating candy asmr eating sounds eating sounds asmr FoodDesire Healthy Eating mukbang Oddly Satisfying raw relaxing asmr satisfying asmr satisfying sounds sea grapes eating sounds seagrape asmr seagrapes mukbang sleep treatment tingles tobiko egg asmr Trigger Words ASMR 音フェチ