ASMR | Answering your questions! • 1K Subscribers Celebration ✨

Sarah Lavender ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Welcome back guys!

WOW, I still can't believe we've reached 1k subs. That's literally insane. I'm soooo grateful for you guys!! THANK you! 💕

Editing this was a total pain haha. I don't know if anyone out there likes hearing themself talk that much, but I sure didn't. But still, I want to thank everyone who submitted questions! It was sure fun answering them, even if editing wasn't. :) If you have any more, go ahead and leave them in the comments and I'll either respond or address them in another Q&A video in the future!

I know this is a really casual/low-effort video so I'll make it up to you with next week's video. Hopefully you can enjoy the whispering and rambling.

Until next time.

(bonus: can you spot where I hit my forehead on my door earlier? 😂🤕)

Twitter: @lavenderasmr
Business Inquiries: [email protected]


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