Hey guys! Another requested video for you guys incorporating gentle whispering relaxation with "Shhh" and "Be quiet", I hope you enjoy!
(Please excuse the weird, off colored hair, I'm in the process of lightening it)
Instagram📸: https://www.instagram.com/lilmissporcelainasmr
If you have any requests, please feel free to leave them below :)
ASMR "Shhh" & "Be Quiet" Gentle Whispering Relaxation
anti anxiety asmr asmr calm you down asmr gentle whispering asmr hushing asmr relaxation asmr relaxation sleep ASMR Shhh & Be Quiet Gentle Whispering Relaxation asmr shushing asmr shushing sounds asmr shushing you to sleep be quiet blue yeti calm calmness satisfying oddly satisfying ear to ear female asmr gentle whispering Help Sleep Microphone personal attention relax relaxation relaxing shhh sleep sleepy Sooth soothing sound tingles triggers