Hello you✨ Here is a light and gentle healing video for you, a mixed session, where I sing with my Andarra bowl, flow some Reiki to you, pull energy and channel some yummy healing cosmic energies to you.
My name is Sunna and I am an intuitive healer and a singer-songwriter/composer from Iceland. If you like this content then stick around in the comments and subscribe to not miss a future video from me.
A month-to-month group program in the form of a membership, to heal, shift, and truly start living and thriving *with* your sensitivities, with ease, lightness, and anxiety-free.
👉🏼 To learn more or join the Healing Container Membership, click here: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/surviving-to-thriving-healing-container/
Or watch this free training video, where I also present the features of the container at the end:
💖 FREE TRAINING VIDEO: How to Stop Absorbing Other People's Energy without Hiding Away from the World.
Sign up here: https://www.houseofreiki.is/webinar-landing-page
✨ To purchase my mini-courses (you get these for free inside the container👆🏼):
- Spiritual Protection for the Warrior of Light €45
- Stop Being an Energy-Sponge €45
Get both for the price of 1 here: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/spiritual-protection-minicourse
Send me an email if anything is unclear: [email protected]
To learn about Access Bars:
If you are in Iceland, I will start facilitating classes again this fall, if you're interested in a class, register to this list, and get notified of a class: https://www.houseofreiki.is/access-bars-interest
💖 Timestamps:
00:00 Group Program Announcement Promo
02:47 Getting ready & Intro
06:00 Andarra Alchemy Singing Bowl + Singing
13:30 Energy Pulling & Intuitive hand movements
20:30 Selenite Wand Clearing
25:25 A Few Minutes of Reiki and Last Words
🌲 Get a FREE exclusive download to a song of mine, not released anywhere by signing up to my music email list: https://rb.gy/uzgi5x
🌲 Merch apparel: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/let-the-light-in-apparel
🌲 Purchase my music here (mp3 and vinyls): https://sunnafridjons.bandcamp.com
🌲 Music Website: https://www.sunnafridjons.com/
🌲 IG: @sunnafridjonsmusic & @houseofreiki.is
[ASMR] A Light Healing Session | Alchemy bowl, Singing, Pulling, Reiki (little talking)
MY WISIO PAGE where you can order a personalized video from me:
For those of you who have ordered from me while I've been burnt out, and ended up getting refunded - I wish I could have messaged you about it, but unfortunately, that's not a feature in Wisio yet, so I encourage you to request another one from me now as I have more energy levels these days.
🦋🦋 BIG THANK YOU 🦋🦋 to my lovely Patreon supporters! On Patreon I do distance group Reiki sessions and give early access to my youtube videos.
To become a Patreon supporter, click here:
alchemy singing bowl amsr alchemy singing bowl asmr energy healing asmr energy pulling asmr hand movements and sounds asmr hand movements no talking asmr reiki asmr reiki pulling asmr soft spoken energy healing energy healing asmr energy healing session energy pulling icelandic asmr icelandic girl asmr pink hair reiki healing asmr singing bowls asmr sunna asmr sunna fridjonsdottir sunna reiki vibrant hair asmr