In this video please enjoy the whispering and flower sounds while I arrange a vase with beautiful yellow spring colors. The inaudible and unintelligible are my favorite triggers and I hope you enjoy them too.
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Art Youtube Channel: Corona Fine Art
asmrnature ASMRReading bestasmr crinklesounds crinklyleaves crunchyleaves crunchysounds FallASMR fastASMR flowersounds gentleasmr gentlesounds inaudiblewhisper inaudiblewhispering inaudiblewhispers loveasmr nature'sasmr naturesounds octoberasmr papersounds relax relaxasmr sleep sleepysounds slowasmr soothing.sounds soothingasmr spanishASMR spanishwhispering springasmr squishysounds stressrelief unwindsounds whispersasmr