Lots of aggressive umbrella fabric sounds with a little tapping and a surprise guest at the end! This video series is more laid back than my usual uploads. Please leave suggestions in the comments for other letter requests! I have a list for all of the letters, but I will happily take requests instead!
Lo fi ASMR made with my phone! Enjoy!
Wednesday 8 pm : Hi Fi Tascam Dr-40
Friday 8 pm : Lo Fi Friday
Saturday 9 pm : Hi Fi Tascam Dr-40
Sunday 1 pm : Series Sunday
I am an electrical engineering student, hence the name Electrical ASMR. I have loved ASMR for years and decided to make videos with triggers I love. I am triggered whenever there isn't a pattern to the ASMR so I wanted to create ASMR with that in mind.
Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and like this video!
Email: [email protected]
Paypal: paypal.me/electricalasmr
aggressive asmr cat crinkle crunchy cute cate electrical electrical asmr engineering fabric fast hand movement lo fi no pattern Phone purring random realx scratch sleep Student tap tingle trigger umbrella video visual youtube