ASMR | Doing My Valentine's Day Makeup | Get Ready With Me | Whispering | GRWM ❤️

Publicado hace 5 años

I worked really hard on this video, so I hope you enjoy it, my sunshines! Hope it's interesting to watch and relaxing to listen to ❤️ Warning: up-close tingly whispers in the outro, 28:05 🤤

Thank you so much for 800+ members of our family! It's surreal. I'm so grateful, my loves. If you haven't already, please like this video and subscribe to our channel to help our family grow! It means so so much to me.

I really want to purchase a better microphone for us, so I'm planning on creating a PayPal and opening custom videos to help me save up the funds. 💸 Do you think I should do that now or wait till we get to 1k subscribers? Let me know in the comments below!

Also, did you like this Valentine's Day makeup look? And... are you excited for the Girlfriend RP that's gonna come out on February 14th? 😏 Spoiler alert: get ready for some love and kisses 💋

xoxo Jess ASMR


asmr asmr makeup doing my makeup get ready with me GRWM makeup look red lips valentines day valentines day asmr valentines day makeup whispering асмр макияж делаю свой макияж День Святого Валентина день святого валентина асмр косметика красные губы макияж ко дню святого валентина шепот

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