Hello! Tonight’s video is reading Polish poems containing ASMR trigger words (many SZ, CZ, RZ digraphs) with close up whispers. I find these specific words in Polish so tingly.
*My background is Polish, but my first language is English, so don't mind the mispronunciation and me struggling to say certain difficult words... This is me trying my best!*
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asmrcommunity asmrsound asmrtriggers personalattention anxietyrelief asmr ASMRprettygirl brainmassage breath closeup comfort deepearattention digraphs inaudiblewhispering learnpolish mouthsounds OddlySatisfying polishasmr Polishdigraphs polishgirl polishlanguage polishtriggerwords pretty reading readingpolishpeoms relaxing relaxyoumind relaxyourmind Satisfying sleep sounds tingles trigger uniqueASMRtriggers whispers yetimicrophone