Hello dear viewers! It is really happy to see the increase in our subscribers, and our family is getting more and more crowded thanks to you. I thank you all for this reason.
I wanted to express that I am proud to present you with this video today. We are trying to improve ourselves and do what you want for your relaxation. It is our duty to find the most suitable content for ASMR and shoot videos for you to watch and we will continue to do so.
If I had to explain this content I did today, we had a hand and arm massage, but we did it very gently. The reason we do it kindly is because it's so relaxing. My friend made me feel tingling by making soft touches on my arms and I like it very much. Then, he moved his fingers over my hands and then the goosebumps. I was relieved at first with the gentle massage he did on my hands but then he treated my hands. This treatment took place thanks to a creamy glove, as the cream applied ASMR feeling completely. There are click sounds and whispers in this video so I think it is a very high quality ASMR content.
I hope you like this video and relax because we are making this kind of content for you and its continuation will always come.
Thank you all for watching us, don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel to support us. 🙏🏻
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betusssasmr/
#asmr #hand #arm
arm arm care arm massage arm scratch asmr asmr arm asmr ear asmr hand asmr hand treatment asmr massage asmr quiet whispering ASMR sleep asmr sounds asmr talking asmr treatment asmr whispering betuss asmr gentle asmr gentle hand gentle massage hand Hand and Arm Gentle Massage hand care hand massage massage relaxing asmr relaxing hand massage relaxing massage asmr sleep Sleep ASMR tingles Treatment to my hands whisper whispering