ASMR Doing Your Pink Makeup For A Night Out! 🎀 Pampering You Personal Attention Roleplay

Gloss And Tingles ASMR
Publicado hace 3 años

Hi love! I'm doing your makeup. Were going out. lol Enjoy some pampering tingles and pink triggers with this relaxing roleplay. Close up visuals and sounds. Semi fast and aggressive Skincare, makeup, layered sounds, face patting, tapping, brushing, colour swatching, lid sounds, soft whispers and more. Sweet dreams and I hope you love it x

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instagram: @glossandtinglesasmr
tiktok: glossandtinglesasmr
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email: [email protected] Business enquires only

This is a calm and positive space for you to unwind and be pampered. Self care is so important, so please take the time to relax. YOU deserve it! I hope you enjoy my videos x Lots of love x Gloss

#asmr #doingyourmakeup
What is ASMR?
ASMR “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response” is often described as a tingling sensation, which can be experienced through specific triggers such as visual and/or audio triggers. The sole purpose of ASMR is to relax and create a sense of calmness.



asmr asmr roleplay doing your makeup facial treatment asmr jocie b asmr latte asmr layered sounds makeup artist does your makeup makeup asmr mouth sounds pampering you personal attention semi fast and aggressive спа асмр

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