Good Evening Everyone! :)
Who's in their pyjamas right now?
I am! I wanted to have a quick catch up with you all and say hi...
I'll keep it short and sweet, but just a heads up, I am uploading every Wednesday from now on!
So that's, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday's..
And... If you are new here, I'm Teri... Hi!
I make content 4 times a week, all ASMR of course :)
I am looking to create a diverse channel with all kinds of videos - whatever is relaxing - food, role play, hair playyyy, you name it!
I am still a very small channel, so if you would love to be a part of the community, support the channel by liking, sharing or even subscribing that would be amazing :D
Teri x
#ASMR #TeriASMR #asmrhairplay #hairdryersounds #asmrhairdryer #ASMRblowdrying #ASMRhair #hairplay #hairdrying
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YouTube Upload Schedule / I upload YouTube videos every ;
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Saturday
Support my channel / Looking for custom videos?
Check out my Ko-Fi page!
PATREON Support - Thanks so much!! 🌟
Follow me on Instagram!
[ASMR] Blow Dryer Brushes | Old v New | Blow dry my hair with me!!
Contact (Business Only) - [email protected]
asmr blow dry asmr blow drying hair asmr blow drying sounds asmr hair asmr hair dryer asmr hair dryer sleep sounds asmr hair dryer sounds asmr hair drying blow dryer blow dryer sound blow dryer sounds blow dryer sounds for sleep blow dryer white noise blow drying sounds Blowdrying sounds asmr hair dryer hair dryer sound hair dryer sounds hair dryer sounds asmr hair dryer white noise hair drying asmr teri teri asmr teri asmr hair drying