*** NOTE: WEARING the EARPHONES please! For a NEW intense EXPERIENCE of ASMR!*** 😴 Finally, by popular demand, I've done a NEW super intense ASMR vid (real ear-to-ear!)....My natural nails in bordeaux-CHOCO-theme color! ♥️ CHOCOLATE sound ! ! ! 🍫 You can hear real clear sound into your ears: SCRATCHING, TAPPING, BREAKING, SNAPPING, EATING these so cute CD & Vinyl of CHOCOLATE! 😋 😍 🤩 🤤 (NEW deep TRIGGERs with SOFT CRINKLY sound too!) ❣️
....I hope you like it and enjoy it for your relaxation! 💤
Suggestions are always welcome!!! ...PLEASE leave me comments, share this video with your friends, write me and subscribe on my channel! ♥ I'll really appreciate it!
I want to make high quality video, with special items and perfect sound, but to do that I also need you!
I need your support to be able to buy new tools, particularly new professional microphones (I'd like 3 D i o microphone!)!!
I need your support to improve and grow more and more and at the same time to offer products of higher quality and amazing!
I hope to have a helping hand from you who support me and believe in me! Each month I'll publish for you new videos...10-11 at least!
The ASMR is a wonderful world that must be supported, especially here in Italy, where it still is not well known. The ASMR gives countless benefits to the people, can help stress, depression, anxiety, sadness. etc.
I'll do everything to make you feel better and help you relax! 💤
if you want help me to improve the quality of this channel:
Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness ❤️
✦ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/dani89
✦ FACEBOOK dani 89: https://www.facebook.com/dani89longnaturalnails
✦ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dani89_officialpage/
✦ ✦ ✦ NEW: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/_dani_89_
✦ ✦ ✦ NEW: PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/dani89
✦ (my second channel YouTube) dani ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChR0iHoF8N_KRrIyhH-Plig
✎ If you want me to try your products or for any other request, please contact me on ✉ [email protected]
bare binaural blue bordeaux breaking care CD chocolate close up closeup cosmic crinkle crinkly cute dani89 daniasmr DANINAILS daniunghie donna ear eartoear eating fairy fast hand ita items lips long Lullaby lunghe massage Microphone MISS Model movements nail nails nailslong ninnananna plastic red relax relaxation roleplay scratching sleep snap snapping soft softly sound sounds spoken sussurri tapping tascam tingles triggers unghie unintellegible vinyl visual voce whispering whispers zoom