33 WEEKS PREGNANT! || Bump Update

Best Life By Brooke
Publicado hace 6 años

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THERE IS AN EDITING ERROR AT 23:44 UGHHHHHHH.......I wish it wasn't there but hey, I'm so foggy brained lately that there is no way I can catch all of my mistakes. Hopefully it's so late in the video that none of you saw it anyway haha....okay bye!!

WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL! Today's video is a pregnancy update for my 33rd week of being pregnant with my daughter! I show you my bump, talk about weight gain, talk about body issues and mood swings, and more. I hope you all enjoy and look forward to the next video all about my deep, emotional, sad struggles about being pregnant. It gets dark but I think it's important to talk about the bad with the good. So here's the good first!! :)

My favorite prenatal vitamin (vegan + awesome): http://ritu.al/BrookeS

Follow my other socials:
instagram: @broookeplease
snapchat: @broookeplease

MY LAST ASMR VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGSs61qVShk

GENDER REVEAL **EMOTIONAL**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErszWErwl18

MY LAST BABY UPDATE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=godkRZ5cMFQ

**not sponsored, however some links in the description have affiliate codes that I stand by 100%**

For business inquiries AND custom ASMR video only: [email protected]

TIP JAR (to get me better equipment to make more frequent and higher quality videos):

Paypal: [email protected]

What camera do I film with? https://tinyurl.com/yapq7ckn

What products do I use for skincare/makeup? https://tinyurl.com/y7gll94d

How old are you? 23 years old

What is ASMR? https://www.sleep.org/articles/what-is-asmr/

#pregnant #pregnancy #thirdtrimester


33 weeks 33 weeks pregnant a s m r asmr best life by brooke birth center brooke schueneman bump update chit chat first time mom first trimester girls happiness Health health coach healthy honesty life lifestyle mom mommy vlogger natural birth new mom plant based pregnancy pregnant pregnant vegan Ramble second trimester teens third trimester unmedicated birth vegan weight update wellness women young mom

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