Hey guys💚 thank u for watching today’s video! My mom and I went to the thrift stores today, so I’m sharing with you the stuff I found. I also am sharing my bracelet making. If anyone wants to send me bracelet making supplies to my P.O. Box I will send you a bracelet!!! Just include your shipping address!! I hope you all are doing great and enjoy the video!!! 😊💚😊
My address is Graceful ASMR
P.O. Box 1014
Brunswick, OH 44212
Welcome to my channel! I hope you find it as relaxing and peaceful as the many other amazing ASMR channels out there.
I started my channel after watching a Mr. Rogers YouTube video when I was 7 years old, and realized it was my first ASMR experience. From then on, I was hooked! I want to give others the wonderfully relaxing feelings ASMR has given me.
*** My mom is always looking out for my safety and well being. She has allowed me to make videos so I can help people, and so I can do what I love. If you have any concerns, please email Jennifer @ [email protected]. Thank you!! 😊❤️😊
I finally have a PO Box! Please send me mail! ❤️ I love getting mail and check my P.O. Box often! Just a letter would be great! My address is
Graceful ASMR
P.O. Box 1014
Brunswick, OH 44212
If you’d like to donate to help me buy equipment please use the link below!! Thank youuu! 😘
Hugs & Love,
Maddie Grace
Graceful ASMR 🧚🏻♀️
asmr calm calming relaxation soft spoken sounds tapping tingles triggers