I think the delay is super tingly. I just like mixing things up from time to time.
These videos aren't monetized, but you can support me here:
https://www.patreon.com/skepticalpickle :D
I just posted my first ever twin ear licking video along with a twin rock candy video as well! I dressed up as Rem and Ram :P
You can find me on these socials:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/missskepticalpickle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkepticalPickle
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/skepticalpickle
If you are feeling generous and enjoy my content you can donate here:
I'm saving up for a zoom H6, second camera, and more for outdoor videos! I would also love to upgrade my 3dio... but it's $2,000 lmao
I also just got a P.O. box so DM on any socials or type !pobox in my twitch chat if you would like to send me a letter or something!! :D
3Dio asmr asmr for anxiety asmr for sleep asmr to relax you Breathing dark lighting ear kissing ear lick ear licking eye contact lick mouth sounds no talking