#asmrenergy #asmrhealing #asmrsleep
Hello everyone 🧡 tonight we’ll be doing an energy cleanse focused on removing limiting beliefs, fear, and self doubt!
I’ll pluck and pull these fear based/self doubt/liming beliefs away, then I’ll be brushing positive affirmations back into your energy with a makeup brush 🌞
I hope this video brings you peace and stillness :)
Thank you for being here! If you’d like to see more of me please like, comment, or subscribe!
Time stamps:
0:00 - intro + cozy chit chat + lighting crackling candle
5:20 - palo santo + energy cleanse + deep breathing
11:00 - plucking away limiting beliefs
16:11 - positive affirmations + face brushing
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@emeraldasmr1?_t=8jFEOjElypE&_r=1
asmr sleep