Green Dragon Inn 🐉 Talking with a friend [ASMR] Hobbit / LOTR ⋄ The Shire

ASMR Weekly
Publicado hace 6 años

Today you visit the Green Dragon Inn 🐉 and meet with a friend to chat! Preparations for a party are happening, so the Place is a little loud! but still a very cozy atmosphere and great Tingly sounds!

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Ambience ambience hobbit asmr ASMR - THE HOBBIT asmr lord of the rings asmr lotr asmr party asmr talking with a friend atmosphere green dragon inn the shire hobbiton lord of the rings noise relax relaxing relaxing ambience lord of the rings relaxing sounds relaxing the shire hobbiton sleep the green dragon inn the shire hobbit tingles trigger words triggers whispers white

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