Story Telling: The Little Prince || ASMR ✨ Italian Whispering

Freckle 23 ASMR
Publicado hace 6 años

Hello my sleepy friends! Ciao a tutti!

Tonight's video is full of whispers! It's story time..and I will read you the first five chapters of "The Little Prince" one of my favorite books since I was a little girl! I hope this new ASMR video gives you lots of tingles and the relaxation you need! Love you all guys!

Sweet sweet dreams :*

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INSTAGRAM: freckle.23


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XO -Hily


100% tingles 3Dio asmr bed time story binaural blue yeti calming can't feel tingles? ear eating ear to ear eargasmic fashion find your trigger hand haul inaudible intense italian make up mouth sounds movements pure reading to you relaxing roleplay scratching sleep time slow soft spoken soothing sounds sr3d sticky sounds story telling storytime tapping tascam dr40 tingle guaranteed tingle heaven trigger words unintelligible visual trigger whispering

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